One of the most prevalent diseases today is psoriasis.

In ordinary Tamil, they say that Kalanchiyappar.

it is a chronic scaly disease.

It is also known as scaly skin disease. It is called Psoriasis in English.

This disease was not very prevalent in olden days.

It was like I had only heard of it ten or twenty years ago. Many people have it today. Can this come and be cured?

There are a lot of people today who are very bored after saying they had this problem for so long and taking medicines in every field. It is not possible to say exactly what is the reason.

Many skin diseases are still unexplained. We cannot attribute many skin diseases by saying that this is the cause of this disease, weather this due to germ, this is due to metabolic disorder, nor it due to deficiency.

Skin diseases other than fungal infections can be challenging to diagnose. Even if it is predicted, the reasons for that will remain a big challenge. Psoriasis in such an environment is a challenging thing to cure. Today, these diseases can be controlled to a great extent by Siddha medicine and traditional medicine.

It can be controlled to the extent that it will not come for a couple of three years, but it cannot be said with confidence that it can be completely eradicated. Because sometimes there is a chance of it rearing its head again when there is a stressful environment or other allergies.

Regardless of the field of medicine taken up it can definitely be prevented from becoming too much. Whether you are taking homeopathy or modern medicine, whether you are taking traditional medicine or not, we have to follow certain dietary restrictions as far as psoriasis is concerned. Psoriasis common autoimmune disorder that causes patches of thick, scaly skin to develop. Psoriasis usually affects the following body parts:

  • elbows
  • knees
  • scalp
  • palms
  • soles of feet
  • lower back
  • thick, scaly patches of skin
  • red or silvery patches of skin itching

Symptoms of psoriasis include:

People with psoriatic arthritis ,a condition related to psoriasis, often experience swelling, stiffness, or pain in the joints.

It is not a disease that can be born from an allergy like allergic autoptic dermatitis . Or not.

Allergy is one of our particular proteins not compatible with our blood. As soon as those proteins are present, antibodies develop rapidly in the blood, and then some shoulder rashes and itching will come due to that allergy. It can cause allergies. Also in eczema immunoglobulin that can be in the cells of the blood is produced a little too much and that’s why the dark color, rash and irritation will come.

Psoriasis does not develop with such an allergy. First you need to understand it well. Therefore, if it comes and the reason while eating particular food, that reason will not be agreed, we cannot say that the reason the disease develop rapidly that reason also does not agree. It will not developed rapidly. How will it come to develop? Mental stress. Chronic stress is one cause.

Some people come and go into an anxiety-ridden state of mind, even for a good cause.

Otherwise, even for people who have a deep regret, a worry, a small regret, this disturbance is one reason. If you look at some children, they are more nervous during exams.

Therefore, many scientists have said that if the foods we can eat are at a level that can reduce the excitement of the subconscious mind, we can definitely control it. So even if we are taking treatment for this type of psoriasis, we have to control certain food items.


Foods with sour taste are not good for psoriasis. It should not have a lot of sour taste whether it is a curry or a fish curry.

Even when making sambar rasam, even preparing our south Indian rasam is good, to add ginger and garlic. Add pepper juice. The tamarind should not dissolve too much while putting the sambar. It is good to add a little bit of tomato fruit and a little bit of sour taste to the kudambuli [Kerala Tamarind] if needed.

Kamala orange is very good, orange fruit has a sour taste like this, but avoid citric fruits. Another thing is they use a lot of insecticide sprays. However, these fruits are in the upper part there are many pesticides used.

Then there is a chance that the chemical will come in and cause these internal psoriasis problems. So come and avoid grapes as much as possible. You can avoid fruits like that grape fruit that thrives a lot of insecticide spray, bitter oranges, oranges and lemons that are sour.

Pomegranates have been found to have the ability to calm the mind naturally from an aggressive state. Today, it has been scientifically proven that some of the nutrients of pomegranate fruit work in medicine that can be used for many psychological diseases. If we continue to take pomegranate, the antioxidant available in that red color from that fruit will be good for psoriasis skin disease.

At the same time, the stress-relieving properties available in it can also be extra beneficial when it comes to psoriasis. Another fruit is banana. Bananas can also be taken regularly. In general, if we have been taking a lot of fruits, our skin dryness will decrease.

Where the skin sinuses are reduced, the psoriasis symptoms will begin to decrease.

The skin’s natural oil viscosity is slightly reduced, so the skin is more prone to dryness. This scaly disease becomes more severe when the skin becomes irritated. Therefore, fruits should be included in daily meals.

Many psoriasis patients come and take some fruits before the meal instead of eating fruits in the morning and lunch and after the meal. Keep adding a lot.

Pepper powder can be taken regularly by these psoriasis patients. In addition to this, traditional Siddha medicine, Ayurvedic hospitals, and traditional medicine of all countries tell people to avoid certain foods to avoid certain foods.

It is important that small grains such as kambu rice, corn, and wheat should not be taken when psoriasis is present. Do not take cantaloupe in the same way. All fish foods should not be taken. If you eat fish and crab, you can eat all kinds of food like this and avoid it in psoriasis.

It is better to avoid fast food which is likely to contain chemical additives such as instant noodles. We should eat only fresh food prepared by ourselves during illness.

Choose foods. Whether it’s steamed food or fruit, those to eat in ample is good.

Overall, a diet rich in easily digestible non-sour fruits available in nature and as far as possible a diet free of fast food is the best diet for psoriasis. Pomegranate and banana are also very useful food for them.

Even if you are taking any medicine for skin diseases, there is a chance that the disease will decrease faster when you take this diet plan. We can keep the skin very healthy so that it does not reoccur.

Some acupressure point to cure all kinds of skin diseases.

Du 14, Li 11, SP 10, UB 40, UB 23, BL 51, UB10, GB 20, EX 1, LU 5, ST 1, ST3, ST36.

Give pressure to these points for 3 mins daily 3 times.

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